Synopsys Championship Project Status

Ms. J. Bui, Merryhill School - Milpitas

Application accepted (what does this mean?)
AletiDhivi 6thJ65062-D31-D2Terrific Turbine (Physical Science and Engineering, Physics and Astronomy)
GoteAnya Sushil7thI82072-E22-92Air Revolution: Clean Air, Able to Wear (Physical Science and Engineering, Electrical Engineering)
NayakMaya Mahesh6thJ65062-D31-D2Terrific Turbine (Physical Science and Engineering, Physics and Astronomy)
ParuiMridini 7thH95072-B51-71Mud Brick & Mortar: A reintroduction to an ancient eco friendly, and sustainable building material (Physical Science and Engineering, Chemical and Environmental Engineering)
SelvanAnanthika 6thJ65062-D31-D2Terrific Turbine (Physical Science and Engineering, Physics and Astronomy)
UdgaonkarAnish Umesh6thL32062-D11-51Noisy Neighbors (Physical Science and Engineering, Physics and Astronomy)
ViswaDeethya Tanvi7thI82072-E22-92Air Revolution: Clean Air, Able to Wear (Physical Science and Engineering, Electrical Engineering)