Synopsys Championship Project Status

Ms. T. Kim, Harker School-Middle Campus

Application accepted (what does this mean?)
ChenJillian 8thC37081-490-F2What is the effect of different materials on the odor causing bacteria in shoe insoles? (Biological Science and Engineering, Biochemistry/Microbiology)
CuiHanwen 8thC38082-C70-B2Examining and Improving the Effectiveness of a Physical-bioCap Filter in Filtering Microplastics Without Filtering Microlife (Physical Science and Engineering, Earth and Environmental Science)
LiBenjamin Wilbur8thC38082-C70-B2Examining and Improving the Effectiveness of a Physical-bioCap Filter in Filtering Microplastics Without Filtering Microlife (Physical Science and Engineering, Earth and Environmental Science)
LiPatricia 8thC46082-D40-F2Why do lighting angles and colors effect the visibility and color of makeup and costume? (Physical Science and Engineering, Physics and Astronomy)
LiRachel 8thC47082-F71-22Warmer Pools for the Winter! (Physical Science and Engineering, Mechanical Engineering)
PangElynn 8thC18082-H61-81AI's Solutions on Bullying (Physical Science and Engineering, Software Engineering)
TrivediJanvi 8thC37081-490-F2What is the effect of different materials on the odor causing bacteria in shoe insoles? (Biological Science and Engineering, Biochemistry/Microbiology)
WangWanruo 8thC47082-F71-22Warmer Pools for the Winter! (Physical Science and Engineering, Mechanical Engineering)
YangSophie Chuanqing8thC46082-D40-F2Why do lighting angles and colors effect the visibility and color of makeup and costume? (Physical Science and Engineering, Physics and Astronomy)
Project Withdrawn (what does this mean?)
ChiSerena Chi-han8thE85081-280-12Organic vs. GMO against Mold (Biological Science and Engineering, Plant Science)
ZhangRuijia Regina8thE85081-280-12Organic vs. GMO against Mold (Biological Science and Engineering, Plant Science)